Portfolio of Projects
Showcased below is a rich tapestry of collaborative projects I've led as a seasoned participation specialist.
As you explore below if you feel that my services and expertise could help your group or organization with your project or program, please feel free to book a 30 minute free consultation with me to discuss what your challenges and goals are so I may help you achieve your desired outcomes.
Fostering Partnerships
D.R,Congo Poverty Reduction Strategy Partnerships
Funded by the U.K Department for International Development I was senior advisor to the government of D.R. Congo providing expertise in the creation of partnerships among public sector institutions and civil society organizations working in sectoral and thematic groups in charge of the country’s poverty reduction strategy
Nepal’s Melamchi Water Supply Project
Funded by the Asian Development Bank and in consultation with key stakeholders, I designed and facilitated participatory strategic planning activities and developed a framework and program for consensus building and social cohesion among key stakeholder groups. The stakeholder teams formed carried out agreed-upon action plans leading to the signing of formal agreements on areas of concern such as water sharing parameters, water tariff to be paid by consumers, and levy to be paid to Melamchi Valley residents.
Social Reform Program in Ceará State, Brazil
I worked with estate, municipal, and community level stakeholders to define and implement participatory processes for the formulation of Municipal Plans consisting of assessment of social needs, analysis of existing capacity, and demand for services. I designed activities, conducted strategic planning workshops, and trained staff for the mobilization of demand, monitoring, and evaluation.
Social Development Strategies for Children and Youth in Colombia
Funded by The World Bank I provided technical support for the design and pilot phases of two initiatives of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare and the Vice-ministry of Youth. These social development projects combined decentralization and inter-sectoral collaboration with local participation. I drafted capacity development strategies integrating civil society, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations. I proposed guidelines and mechanisms to define the participatory dimension and measure the impact of participation in both projects. I designed and facilitated local and national level participatory strategic planning workshops. I developed strategies to enhance inter-institutional coordination and collaboration with local communities to ensure social cohesion and the empowerment of stakeholders in the design, implementation and monitoring of these efforts.
Ecuador’s Enhanced Gendered Participation in Municipal Development
I provided technical support to the National Bank of Ecuador and municipalities to enhance gendered participation in the Inter-American Development Bank financed Program of Municipal Development. This was a demand driven program requiring the participation of community organizations and municipalities in the planning, implementation, monitoring / evaluation, and ownership of local development efforts. Different program components addressed the creation of social capital, institutional strengthening, local capacity building, inter-institutional coordination, and training.
Restructuring the Delivery of Social Service in Trinidad and Tobago
With funding from the United Nations Development Program I conducted a strategic planning workshop to produce collaborative plans of action for public, private and community key stakeholder groups to address domestic violence through personal, professional, and community empowerment.
Canada’s Indigenous Justice System
With funding from Canada’s Department of Justice, I designed, facilitated, and coordinated long-term capacity building for self-government in nine James Bay Cree communities in the province of Quebec. I mobilized grassroots groups to improve the Cree communities' organizational capacity to implement changes in the justice system.
Research and Analysis
D.R.Congo Participatory Poverty Appraisal and PRSP
The Government of D.R. Congo carried out a carefully designed Poverty Reduction Strategy Process.
I worked as PRSP Advisor responsible for the design of the methodology and data gathering tools, training of NGOs and civil servants carrying out fieldwork, plus the quality control of DRC’s Participatory Poverty Appraisal (PPA). PPA fieldwork was carried out in the eleven provinces of DRC with a total of 35,750 participants throughout the country. I was also a member of the team responsible for the analysis of PPA data and preparation of final report.
The Realities of Women and Children in D.R. Congo: A Case Study
I prepared this case study based on the analysis of data from: (i) the Participatory Poverty Appraisal (PPA) conducted in the 11 provinces of the country; (ii) the Provincial Monographs prepared in the process of PRSP field work; and (iii) relevant quantitative surveys, This report was intended to serve not only as an update of the current situation of children and women, but also for the purposes of economic planning, sensitization, and policy advocacy.
Scaling Up Community Driven Development Project
Community driven development (CDD) is a World Bank approach that aims to empower communities and local governments with resources and the authority to use these flexibly, thus taking control of their development.
The Scaling Up CDD Framework sought to identify ways to create well-designed, field-tested models of CDD that can be scaled up rapidly. I translated this analytical framework into an operational tool for a CDD Action Research project, producing research guidelines and training local consultants across global regions.
Case Study of Decentralization and Regional Development in Mexico
I designed and participated in a multi-region scaling up of Community Driven Development Action Research project aiming to apply and test an analytical framework for scaling up CDD of several on-going World Bank operations.
The Mexico case study was an impact evaluation spanning the evolution of the Decentralization and Regional Development project [DRD I & II], when these efforts underwent a transformation, leaping from the level of innovative boutique to then become Mexico’s national law dealing with decentralization and local empowerment. The projects’ innovative approaches to organizational and institutional development allowed 1,100 municipalities to operate like municipal social funds, mobilizing latent local management capacities.
Draft of the Asian Development Bank’s Handbook of Participatory Development
I drafted a participatory development handbook covering: (i) fundamentals such as the concept, its history, benefits and requirements; (ii) specific methods and tools for use with both communities and organizations from local NGOs to national government departments; (iii) applications for research as well as for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects; (iv) linkages to reference materials on the internet and elsewhere; (v) explicit suggestions for applying participation under the new Asian Development Bank business practices; and (vi) decisions required for ensuring that time and financial support are provided for satisfactory participatory work.
Gender Chapter of the World Bank’s Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies
As part of its contribution to the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC), the World Bank prepared a two-volume Sourcebook to assist borrowers in the preparation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) which HIPC countries must submit in order to access funds. I co-authored the Gender Chapter of the PRSP Sourcebook presenting the rationale for a gender-inclusive approach to the PRSP, providingguidelines for the use of participatory approaches to integrate gender equality into poverty analysis, the selection and implementation of public actions financed as part of the PRSP, and the development of performance indicators to monitor implementation and evaluate impacts of PRSP interventions.
Participatory Development Project – Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and OECD Development Centre
I conducted policy research and analysis of CIDA's approach to participatory development and co-authored CIDA's report including a conceptual framework, analyses of participation at macro, meso, and micro levels, description of methodologies, brief case studies, and conclusions and recommendations. I presented the report at OECD's Paris Participatory Development Conference. This report was included in OECD’s publication “Participatory Development From Advocacy to Action”.
Development of the World Bank’s Operational Guidelines for Gendered Participation in Economic Reform and Political Liberalization in Africa
I provided a gendered analysis of the process of participation in consensus building and decision-making for economic policy reform. I developed specific operational guidelines for the design of a gender responsive participation component to be included in lending operations in Africa.
Project/Program Design and Fieldwork
Design of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy in Rwanda
Funded by UNDP I acted as Team Leader during the implementation of the second generation Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) to: (i) ensure and build national ownership through tailored capacity building; (ii) enhance prioritization to develop an achievable and appropriately focused EDPRS; (iii) develop a result orientated EDPRS within a monitoring and evaluation framework; and (iv) develop an EDPRS with a holistic lens, establishing synergies with other strategies and reform programs in the country.
Nigeria Rapid Socio-Cultural Assessment for Action Against Hunger
I conducted a Rapid Socio-Cultural Assessment and defined a comprehensive community mobilization strategy for Jigawa State in support of the program Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria. I identified key stakeholders in the state and their relationships within the socio-political, economic, religious, and health sectors. I coded and analyzed gender disaggregated fieldwork data using a qualitative data analysis program to conduct gender analysis and describe community organization and groups, formal and informal channels of communication, dietary habits and health seeking behaviors, daily and seasonal calendars, and contextual barriers to access to health services.
Social Development Initiatives for Children and Youth in Colombia
Working with the World Bank I provided technical support in the design and pilot phases of two initiatives being planned by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare and the Vice-ministry of Youth. I drafted capacity development strategies integrating civil society, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations. I proposed guidelines and mechanisms to define the participatory dimension and measure the impact of participation in both projects. I designed and facilitated local and national level participatory strategic planning workshops and developed strategies to enhance inter-institutional coordination and collaboration with local communities to ensure social cohesion and the empowerment of stakeholders in the design, implementation and monitoring of these efforts.
Re-structuring the Delivery of Social Services in Trinidad and Tobago
The restructuring of the delivery of social services combined three elements — integration, decentralization, and privatization through NGOs. Funded by UNDP I conducted a social assessment recommending creation of synergies among efforts of central and local governments and civil society. I produced two reports. This assignment concluded with the design and facilitation of a participatory strategic planning workshop on “Domestic Violence: Seeking Collaborative Solutions through Personal, Professional, and Community Empowerment” which produced collaborative action plans.
Canada’s Indigenous Justice System Project
Funded by the Canadian Department of Justice I designed, facilitated, and coordinated long-term capacity building for self-government in nine James Bay Cree communities. I applied participatory research methodologies to address socio-economic issues in the design of the reform of the judicial system serving native communities. I used participative management methodologies to mobilize communities and coordinate production of Cree/English radio program series. I formed volunteer grassroots groups working in conjunction with Cree Band Councils and provided on-going support to improve the communities' organizational capacity and social infrastructure to plan and implement changes in the justice system.
Peru’s Rural Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project
Funded by the World Bank this project provided a well-integrated and reliable rural road system linking isolated and poor communities with regional economic centers through rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads and key links connecting them to the primary road system. I assisted the Government of Peru and the World Bank in the evaluation of the participation and social cohesion mechanisms put in place under the first phase of the project in order to introduce design recommendations for the second phase.
Bangladesh’s Gender and Social Development Strategy
I drafted the Gender and Social Development Strategy for the Canadian International Development Agency's largest rural development project —Bangladesh RD-12. This strategy analyzed project activities and proposed strategic and operational recommendations for each component of this $53 million project. RD-12 provided for the creation and management of a self-sustaining revolving loan fund, mobilization and support of rural credit societies of asset-less men and women, training of project staff and beneficiaries, strengthening the Bangladesh Rural Development Board, as well as for project management and technical assistance activities.
The World Bank’s Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure
The Rural Transport Thematic Group of the World Bank prepared a four volume series of Technical Papers on Rural Transport to reflect the current knowledge on the matter. I reviewed the text and annexes of the paper “Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure” regarding social assessment, gender analysis, and participatory aspects. I prepared an appendix providing understanding of the relevance of the social assessment process and a critical path of the participatory processes for impact assessment and monitoring and evaluation.
Enhanced gendered participation in Ecuador’s Municipal Development
I provided technical support to the National Bank of Ecuador and municipalities to enhance gendered participation in the Inter-American Development Bank financed Program of Municipal Development. This was a demand driven program requiring the participation of community organizations and municipalities in the planning, implementation, monitoring / evaluation, and ownership of local development efforts. Different program components addressed the creation of social capital, institutional strengthening, local capacity building, inter-institutional coordination, and training.
Management support to the Ministry of Population Welfare in Pakistan
Funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) I provided management support to the Ministry of Population Welfare in Pakistan through the design, planning, and coordination of three Future Search Conferences to be held in the Northwest Frontier Province, Sindh, and Punjab. This participative management project was launched to assist the Government in its population program through improved participative management practices.
Building Capacity for Gender Equality in Local Governance in Bangladesh
I designed and prepared a comprehensive needs assessment of the gender training requirements of women and men elected to local government councils and of the country's institutional capacity to deliver such training based on participatory consultations. I designed two frameworks of collaborative stakeholder interactions: (i) between local government bodies and their communities, and (ii) among training institutions and NGOs for provision of training. Presented findings and facilitated consensus through three multi-stakeholder workshops. I prepared Training and Operational Manuals, conducted Training of Trainers, and prepared the four-year decentralized gender equality and women’s empowerment strategy.
Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria
I conducted a Rapid Socio-Cultural Assessment and defined a comprehensive community
mobilization strategy for Jigawa State in a program of Action Against Hunger funded by U.K. Aid. I prepared terms of reference, interviewed and hired a twelve-member local team to gather field data in twelve communities in nine local government jurisdictions. I designed assessment tools and delivered training to team members who then conducted the field work.
Scaling Up Community Driven Development
I recast the World Bank’s CDD analytical framework into an operational tool for an Action Research project, producing research guidelines and delivering training to local consultants in a practical and consistent methodical approach for conducting case studies of successful CDD efforts in diverse urban and rural contexts and across global regions.
Social Development Initiatives for Children and Youth in Colombia
These social development projects combined decentralization and inter-sectoral collaboration with local participation. I delivered participatory monitoring and evaluation (PME) training to local facilitators of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare.
Training to Improve Local Capacity
I prepared and delivered Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) training to improve local capacity for analysis, monitoring, and evaluation to public sector and civil society stakeholders in Armenia, Chile, Colombia, D. R. Congo, and Nigeria.
Evaluation of the Government of Canada language agreement in the Arctic
I conducted a comprehensive survey in order to measure changes in French and Aboriginal Language usage resulting from existing programs and legislation. I interviewed community stakeholders, trained and supervised field workers, and managed the logistics of fieldwork in the Keewatin and Baffin Island regions of the Arctic.
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Training Strategy
I reviewed the Department's policy documents addressing the need to decentralize and tailor its operations to carry out a transition towards native self-government. I conducted personal and group interviews with the Department's staff in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory to determine their skills and knowledge profiles and I contributed to the drafting of the training and development needs strategy for Department personnel.
Small Farmer Development in Argentina
The primary objectives of this project was to increase the nutritional and income levels of the economically active rural poor. The related subsidiary objective was to increase the capacity of local institutions —provincial governments, municipalities, extension services, beneficiary associations and NGOs — to provide appropriate services to this target population. The tasks I carried out included responsibility for proposals to increase local capacity in participatory monitoring and evaluation, and also the development of participatory M& E indicators.
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)
UPPR’s Women’s Empowerment Scorecard in Bangladesh
The Urban Poverty Reduction Partnerships project (UPPR) used a community driven development approach and was the largest urban poverty reduction project in Bangladesh. US$120 million were provided by UKAID and UNDP to improve the livelihoods and living conditions of three million urban poor. The objective of this consultancy were the elaboration of UPPR's "Women's Empowerment Scorecard" by gathering qualitative field data from a sample of urban centers, analyzing the data using a qualitative analysis program, designing the empowerment score card, and then field testing the scorecard with indicators chosen by poor women themselves.
Inventory of the World Bank’s Experience with PME
The objective of the consultancy was to assist in taking stock of experience with Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) in the World Bank’s operations by: (i) establishing an inventory of PME cases: (ii) analyzing and reviewing the experience in terms of the purposes and the conceptual approach taken, regional and sectoral differences and the critical factors for applying and mainstreaming PME; and (iii) examining the case material with regard to its suitability for further elaboration as best practice, case studies and its inclusion in the participation homepage of the World Bank. The stocktaking considered recent and significant past experience across all global regions and sectors, both in urban and rural contexts and investment as well as programmatic lending.
Capacity Building in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in Armenia
The available literature on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) and the evidence from the field show that PME training helps to build the capacity of NGOs and other stakeholders to analyse and take action at every level of implementation: micro, meso and macro. I contributed to the design and facilitation of a PME training event in Yerevan, Armenia. The objectives of this event were to support Armenian stakeholders and the Armenian World Bank Country Team to: (I) become familiar with PME approaches and experiences, and (ii) explore the relevance and applicability of these approaches in the context of their PRSP work.
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Training in Chile
The World Bank collaborated with the government of Chile to support a major reform of social policy instruments in Chile. One of the reforms being supported was the design and implementation of a PME system for the ‘Chile Solidario’ program. However, neither the government implementing agency nor civil society organizations had prior experience in developing and managing such as system. The objective of this assignment was to collaborate with the World Bank task team in the design, preparation of materials, and facilitation of a workshop in Santiago to familiarize all relevant stakeholders with the basic concepts of PME and the different methodologies, tools and options available.
Building Capacity for Gender Equality in Local Governance in Bangladesh
Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria
I conducted a Rapid Socio-Cultural Assessment and prepared a comprehensive community mobilization strategy for Jigawa State in the Working to Improve Nutrition Program of Action Against Hunger funded by U.K. Aid. I prepared the final report in consultation with stakeholders including recommendations for community mobilization and tools for participatory monitoring and evaluation (PME).
D.R. Congo’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and PME
Acting as social analyst and participatory development specialist, I provided advise and expertise to the process of social cohesion and capacity building related to the participatory consultations and monitoring and evaluation [PME} carried out by ten NGOs responsible for the D.R. Congo Participatory Poverty Appraisal and the Sectoral and Thematic Groups in charge of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers presented to the World Bank.